Type | Description | Example | Reference |
GeoJSON | Standard GeoJSON data format | { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [-10.2, 40.1] } |
http://geojson.org |
GeoJSON-X | Extended GeoJSON data format. Extensions: time, sog, cog. Note position and timestamp must be valid. cog, sog may be null |
{ "type" : "Point", "extensions" : ["time", "cog", "sog"], |
https://github.com/dret/GeoJSON-X |
Datetime | ISO 8601 combined date and time format | 2019-01-21T00:00:00Z |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Combined_date_and_time_representations |
Duration | ISO 8601 duration format | P2W |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Durations |
The standard OK response is response_code 200 and the return body is always either empty or a valid JSON object
For all errors the following codes are used throughout the REST interface:
Code | Description |
200 | Successful operation. |
201 | Successful operation. Object is created. |
202 | Successful operation. Task is accepted and will be processed. |
204 | Successful operation. No response value. |
400 | Bad request. Typically syntax error or missing input parameter. |
401 | Unauthorized. Correct credentials were not provided. |
403 | No access. Credentials are ok, but you are not allowed to perform the requested operation. |
404 | Unknown URL. The operation requested does not exist. |
408 | Timeout. An internal operation timed out. You may try again later. |
409 | Conflict. A parameter is in conflict with an existing condition and cannot be updated. Typically with PUT and POST. |
412 | Precondition failed. Typically missing "accept application/json " or "accept **/** ".The system does currently not understand " application/* " or "*/json ". |
422 | Request syntax ok, but no data was available for the requested input parameters. Could be asking for too old data or a ship that does not exist. |
429 | Too many requests. Each user can have only one outstanding operation. Also a limit may be imposed on the number of completed jobs in the database due to size restrictions. Contact GateHouse if this is a serious issue for your operation. |
500 | Internal error in the system. Contact GateHouse with the username and a timestamp of the incident (as precise as possible). |