REST Documentation User Config operations

The base path:


Notice this section is EXPERIMENTAL and the interface may change before release.

To create a user, use

/config/user POST

specifying all necessary parameters (do not specify a UID). The resulting UID will be returned.


/config/user POST
"name": "testuser",
"common_name": "Test Testersson",
"access_rights": {
"lss_access": "allow"
"settings": {
"lss_group": "Default LSS group"

This example shows all available settings (note that all settings shown for the transmit_filter object are also available for the receive_filter object, and that the password field can only be written, not read):

"name": "testuser",
"common_name": "Test Testersson",
"description": "Test User",
"direct_access": {
enabled: true,
hosts: [ "", "" ]
"disabled": false,
"email": "",
"expiration_time": "2017-10-20T00:00:00Z",
"password": "verySecret",
"period_before_expire": 30,
"phone": "12345678",
"access_rights": {
"access_remote_configuration": "deny",
"access_remote_user_configuration": "deny",
"ack_ata_atd": "allow",
"add_remove_access_rights_groups": "deny",
"add_remove_aton": "",
"add_remove_events": "deny",
"add_remove_filter_groups": "deny",
"add_remove_mmsi_entries": "deny",
"add_remove_region": "deny",
"add_remove_settings_groups": "deny",
"add_remove_users": "deny",
"add_remove_virtual_aton": "deny",
"admin_ata_atd": "deny",
"admin_filters": "deny",
"admin_port": "deny",
"admin_reports": "deny",
"admin_shapes": "deny",
"admin_shiplists": "deny",
"admin_watchdog_definitions": "deny",
"allow_colour_by_age": "deny",
"allow_google_maps": "deny",
"allow_mail_attachments": "deny",
"allow_mail_other_users": "deny",
"allow_mail_self": "deny",
"allow_nmea_commentblock_msgs": "deny",
"allow_nmea_pghp_msgs": "deny",
"allow_nmea_tag_msgs": "deny",
"allow_open_street_maps": "deny",
"allow_oth_gold_msgs": "deny",
"allow_remote_control": "deny",
"allow_s57_maps": "deny",
"allow_web_service": "deny",
"allow_xml_msgs": "deny",
"change_access_rights": "deny",
"change_filter_settings": "deny",
"change_mmsi_entries": "deny",
"change_proxy_filters": "deny",
"change_region": "deny",
"change_settings": "deny",
"change_user": "deny",
"configure_ship_lists": "deny",
"configure_watchdog_definitions": "deny",
"create_wms_services": "deny",
"download_historical_tracks": "deny",
"get_system_status_info": "deny",
"lock_groups": "deny",
"lss_access": "deny",
"message_redirection": "deny",
"message_service": "deny",
"pcs_access": "deny",
"replay": "deny",
"replay_from_db": "deny",
"reset_passwords": "deny",
"send_mail": "deny",
"send_messages": "deny",
"share_filters": "deny",
"share_reports": "deny",
"share_shapes": "deny",
"share_shiplists": "deny",
"share_watchdogs": "deny",
"sys_conf_access": "deny",
"user_conf_access": "deny",
"view_ata_atd": "deny",
"view_historical_tracks": "deny",
"view_history": "deny",
"view_port": "deny",
"view_predicted_position": "deny",
"view_satellites": "deny",
"view_shiplist": "deny",
"view_watchdog": "deny",
"view_wmslayers": "deny",
"web_online_access": "deny",
"web_report_access": "deny"
"settings": {
"allowed_pss_list": [ { name: "PSS1", uid: "E5851232-F181-44D0-8EBA-60A78E85B1E1" }, { name: "PSS2", uid: "8A8F8556-DEE4-42F5-9D32-23030185F7EE" } ],
"clock_sync_interval": 0,
"congestion_adjustment_factor": 2,
"custom_tag_info", "<o>X</o>",
"default_mmsi": 24700001,
"default_pss_list": [ { name: "PSS1", uid: "E5851232-F181-44D0-8EBA-60A78E85B1E1" }, { name: "PSS2", uid: "8A8F8556-DEE4-42F5-9D32-23030185F7EE" }, ],
"down_sample_interval": 0,
"fixed_downsampling_interval": 10,
"forward_cached_static_voyage_data": true,
"include_external_id": true,
"include_peep": false,
"is_gad_user": false,
"lss_group": { name: "Default LSS group", uid: "4F119D7E-A4E2-455D-8A01-8DCDEE1411FE" }
"max_congestion_adjustment_factor": 32,
"max_message_rate": 2000,
"mmsi_list": [ 24700001, 24700002 ],
"origin_country": 336,
"origin_region": 17,
"output_format": "nmea_tag",
"priority": "medium",
"receive_system_status": false,
"region_mask": "7",
"report_max_job_size": 250,
"report_permission_allow_all": false,
"report_permissions": { "history_track": "view", "ship_report": "all" },
"report_priority": "low",
"time_between_congestion_adjustments": 60,
"time_stamp_method": "server",
"use_timestamp": true,
"user_type": "subscriber",
"web_max_lookback_time": 48
"receive_filter": {
"allow_addressed_messages": false,
"areas": [ { name: "My Area", uid: "F168676C-DEF3-4E2E-94FB-A5513A5BF56E" } ],
"countries": [ 436, 275, 277 ],
"delay": 2,
"psss": [ { name: "PSS1", uid: "E5851232-F181-44D0-8EBA-60A78E85B1E1" } ],
"range_dependant_update": {
"position": [ -12.44194444444445, 56.72944444444445 ],
"ranges": [ {
"distance": 1000,
"interval": 60
}, {
"distance": 10000,
"interval": 500
} ]
"regions": [ { name: "Region example", uid: "10A7DCD0-BE88-4668-A1EE-362B4C646E7F" } ],
"source_mode_is_and": true,
"source_tags": [ "tag1", "tag2" ],
"update_interval": 5
"transmit_filter": {
"binary_message_content": [ { "dac": 1, "fi": 11, type: "both" }, { "dac": 1, "fi": 31, type: "broadcast" } ],
"expression": "SOG>5",
"include_predefined_ship_list": true,
"include_user_defined_ship_list": true,
"message_types": [ 1, 2, 3 ],
"mobile_types": [ "class_a", "aton" ],
"predefined_ship_list": [ { name: "My_shiplist", uid: "367D5F05-690A-465B-AAC2-E2037611AAE1" } ],
"types_of_ship": [ "pilot", "passenger", "cargo" ],
"unsupported_message_types": false,
"unsupported_mobile_types": false,
"unsupported_ship_types": false,
"user_defined_ship_list_callsign": [ "XC457", "ZX81" ],
"user_defined_ship_list_imo": [ 56789, 23456 ],
"user_defined_ship_list_mmsi": [ 123456789, 111111111 ]
"warn_on_deletion": true

Note: The warn_on_deletion flag is read-only (determined by the backend based on access rights).

Note: When reading the configuration, elements such as areas, ship lists etc. are presented as an (array of) object(s) with properties name and uid. When writing the configuration, simply provide the name.

To update a user, specify the relevant parameters and use

/config/user/〈name〉 PUT

Example: To reset the password of a user, use

{ password: "new password" } PUT

To retrieve the configuration of a user, use

/config/user/〈name〉 GET


/config/user/〈uuid〉 GET

To retrieve configuration of all users, use

/config/user GET

To delete the configuration for a user, use

/config/user/〈name〉 DELETE


/config/user/〈uuid〉 DELETE


To copy a user, use { "name": 〈newname〉 }

/config/user/〈name〉/clone POST

This will copy all settings etc. of the user 〈name〉 to a new user named 〈newname〉, including the password.
Note that direct access IPs and MMSI numbers will not be copied.

Reassign resources

To reassign a user's resources to another user, use

/config/user/〈name〉/reassign POST
 { "name": 〈otheruser〉 }


Notice this section is EXPERIMENTAL and the interface may change before release.

Groups are managed in the same manner as for users, but using



/config/group PUT
"name": "Test Group",
"settings": {
"output_format": "nmea_tag",
"report_priority": "low"
"access_rights": {
"admin_shapes": "deny",
"configure_ship_lists": "allow"


Notice this section is EXPERIMENTAL and the interface may change before release.

Shiplists are lists of ships that can be used for filters.

Shiplist examples

To create a shiplist call

POST /config/shiplist
 {"name" : "my_shiplist", "max" : 20, "ships" : [{"imo":9501590, "name" : "KATEXPRESS 1"}, {"mmsi":219003825}, {"name" : "KATEXPRESS 2", "callsign" : "OUYM"}], "acl": ["group name"] }

Notice name, imo, mmsi and callsign are supported. It is not required that all fields are set. The more the better.

The acl parameter is optional. If not specified, the list will only be accessible to the creator.

To update call with a complete new replacement list, e.g to remove "KATEXPRESS 2" call with the remainder of the list.

PUT /config/shiplist/my_shiplist
 {"name" : "my_shiplist", "max" : 20, "ships" : [{"imo":9501590, "name" : "KATEXPRESS 1"}, {"mmsi":219003825}], "acl": ["group name"]}
PUT /config/shiplist/my_shiplist
 {"name" : "my_shiplist", "max" : 20, "ships" : [{"imo":9501590, "name" : "KATEXPRESS 1"}, {"mmsi":219003825}], "acl": [ { "uid": "B73FD47D-4E9C-4BF0-812F-CAC015CFD643" } ]}

Note that "name" and "max" are optional.

The acl parameter is optional. If not specified, the list will only be accessible to the creator.

To reset a shiplist to an empty list, call

PUT /config/shiplist/my_shiplist
 {"ships" : []}

To get a list of all the shiplists available to a given user, call

GET /config/shiplist

To get a list of only the names of the shiplists available to a given user, call

GET /config/shiplist?full=false

To get a single shiplist, call

GET /config/shiplist/〈name〉


Notice this section is EXPERIMENTAL and the interface may change before release.

To retrieve a shape, use

/config/shape/〈id〉 GET

where id can be either a numeric ID, e.g. 906622052417545, or an alphanumeric UUID, e.g. 753ac5ad-1b43-415f-b586-4eb256fe0a10.

The return value will be on the form

{ "id" : 906622052417545, "name" : "London", "type" : "polygon", "uid" : 〈uuid〉, "polygon" : 〈geojson〉 }
{ "id" : 906361415024649, "name" : "Hawaii", "type" : "circle", "uid" : 〈uuid〉, "circle" : { "center" :〈geojson〉, "radius" : 1200 } }
{ "id" : 905638038044681, "name" : "London", "type" : "line", "uid" : 〈uuid〉, "line" : 〈geojson〉 }

To retrieve shapes associated with a known port, use

/config/shape/port/〈id〉 GET

where id can be either a numeric ID (e.g. 31560), a LOCODE (e.g. GBFXT), or a name (e.g. Felixstowe).

The return value will be on the form

{ "id" : 31560, "locode" : "GBFXT", "name" : "FELIXSTOWE", "outer" : 〈geojson〉, "inner" : [ 〈geojson〉 ] }

The inner field can contain an arbitrary number of polygons, including zero.

HTTP Status Codes

HTTP Status Codes


Generated on 2022-02-10T12:48:03+01:00