Welcome to the GateHouse REST Webservices.
The GateHouse Maritime Webservices enable an easy integration between a client system and the GateHouse Maritime System.
The webservices use the standard REST protocols (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_state_transfer).
In effect the webservice is a number of webservices that cater to different parts of the GateHouse system. The individual webservices are listed further below.
Most of the webservices use the CRUD (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Create,_read,_update_and_delete) standard for managing objects and their state between a client system and the GateHouse system.
The webservices use the standard basic authentication over HTTPS protocol for authentication (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_access_authentication), and standard HTTPS for encryption.
Here you will find the documentation for the relevant webservices.
Notice some of the these statistics and webservices are EXPERIMENTAL and the interface may change before release. Each call in the reference is marked either PRODUCTION or EXPERIMENTAL.
The statistics webservices are used for performing statistics based on historical data. Historical data is typically data up until last midnight UTC. A number of different statistics are available such as Multiple Passageline statistics, Area statistics, Near Miss Ship to Ship, Near Miss Ship to Point, Density statistics and Coverage analysis.
The port and track webservices are used for online tracking ships towards a port or other destination. This can be used for calculating ETA at destination or any waypoint. The services can also be used for retrieving a historical track of a given ship or a list of port calls for a given ship or port calls for a given port.
Track and Port Handling
The watchdog webservices are used for online monitoring of a given area such as a polygon or a passage line or a port. Every time a ship enters or exits an area, a notification is sent. This can be useful for automatic monitoring of given areas or automatic calculation of quay time for ships in a port.
The replay webservice is used for replaying data for a given area at a given time period.
The user configuration webservice is used for retrieving and updating user configuration and permissions for a given user. The user configuration consists of configuration parameters for the given user and permissions are the authorization of the given user for accessing various parts of the GateHouse system.
User configuration
The WMS webservice allows a user or another display system to use the GateHouse system to display the results of a statistics in a standard format in another display system using the standard WMS protocol (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_Map_Service).
The WFS webservice allows retrieving information about vessels using the standard WFS protocol (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_Feature_Service).